Catch returns from 2019 UPDATED

The reported catches from all Ayr and Lugar waters are as below:

44 salmon killed, 163 released making a total reported catch of 207

9 sea trout were reported and all were returned.


Missing catch data from 4 influential clubs within the catchment – Muirkirk, Tarbolton, Annbank and Ayr. This doesn’t help and it seems quite likely that over 300 salmon were caught last season. If clubs want to attract members and day visitors, then honest and timely reporting to the Board would help as these figures are then published in the Fishery Management Scotland review that is circulated widely around angling interests in Scotland. It is by publicising  what we have on the Ayr that we may attract new day visitors to the many excellent value beats available.


UPDATE – We have now received further details from 2 clubs and the annual catch on the Ayr has risen to around 350 salmon last year, making it the most productive river in Ayrshire in 2019. We are still missing returns from important and productive beats that if included shoud see this number rise to above 400 with any luck. It’s a shame we didn’t have complete returns at the time we report to FMS for inclusion in their annual review but let’s hope Clubs did submit to MSS on time as this affects the conservation measures. With repeated catches like this, it may be reasonable to expect the Ayr to rise from category 3 again once the 5 year average reflects these improved catches.


A salmon from the Ayr.

Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
