Ayrshire Rivers Trust staff looked at the Burnock Dam on the Burnock Water again today and are keen to see improvements for fish passage. While this dam may not be impassible, it is to most fish and therefore is a significant barrier to migrating trout and salmon. Upstream lies miles of excellent habitat that is under used.

ART has asked SEPA to add this to the list of barriers so that it may eventually qualify for funding to assist with removal or easement costs. Without this funding, responsibility for any improvements realistically falls to the owners and they may not be willing or in any position to instruct improvements. However all dams and weirs were meant to be registered by their owners with SEPA around a decade ago and those that aren’t currently registered may then qualify for funding. Essentially, owners now claiming title to unregistered dams either have to fund compliance themselves or take assistance where offered to improve fish passage. We welcome any attempt at improving migration into under used areas.