Changes to the Board’s operation

The Ayr DSFB met yesterday for the first time since ‘lockdown’ commenced. The pandemic has made it impossible to hold a public board meeting or AGM for some time but there were urgent matters needing addressed and the Board met in open air yesterday to attend to these matters.

Forbes Watson has been retained as Clerk to the Board but DW Shaw no longer wish to continue and a replacement organisation to perform the administration is being sought. This should be  resolved quickly to allow a smooth change over and we will update with details once agreements are in place. Hopefully this will also bring a cost saving to the the Board and this is expected.

The Board is seeking volunteer bailiffs to train and put through the IFM Bailiff exam. Only those passing the exam can hold a warrant and operate as an approved water bailiff to enforce The Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 2003 (as amended).  Ayrshire Rivers Trust will provide training sessions to make sure those sitting the exam have the required knowledge to pass it. The exam is largely multiple choice and straight forwards if you understand and know the Laws that apply to fisheries and most people will have no difficulty in passing it after receiving the training.  Anyone interested in becoming a warranted bailiff should contact the Clerk or Trust with their details in the first instance.

Clubs are encouraged to ask suitable members to come forwards for the training.

There appears to have been good numbers of salmon and grilse running the river in June and July and the Board reminds anglers that the Scottish Government conservation measures require all salmon to be returned alive to the river in 2020. There are no exceptions to this and it is a legal requirement.

Clubs wishing to have their contact details published to attract visiting anglers should contact the Clerk or administrators through this web page.  We are hoping to have a page with all clubs details listed to allow them to attract visiting anglers and information on the cost of permits and where to buy them.

Minutes from the Board meeting will be made available through this web page in due course.





Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
