Kames Reed Bed Refurbishment

Work underway at Kames

Kames reed bed treatment facility at Muirkirk is being renovated. This reed bed treats upwelling mine-water and reduces the impacts of this type of pollution  on the river.
To ensure it functions properly, it requires periodic maintenance that includes clearing old detritus and vegetation and replanting reeds. We had been concerned for some time over the efficacy of the reed bed and are therefore pleased to see this work underway. Work is expected to take 2-3 weeks.

A substantial Bailey Bridge has been installed to allow access to the reed bed site.

Work has to be completed prior to the bird breeding season and so, while we would have preferred to see this work  take place avoiding spawning season, contractors are aware that they must avoid any risk of polluting the watercourse or damaging habitat. To facilitate access they have installed a Bailey Bridge across the river that will be removed once work is completed.Having met the agent this morning we are reassured it will go smoothly.

Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
