River Ayr

Here’s the revised Code of Conduct for 2017 hat applies to all salmon fishing throughout the catchment. Local Club rules also apply.



 (Revised Code of Conduct 2017 Category 2 River )

The National Policy for Catch and Release of Salmon is supported by the Board.   The Board requests that this policy is adopted by anglers and that in 2017 anglers comply with the Board’s recommendation for a bag limit of 2 salmon per angler per season.


The Board requests that all coloured salmon are returned.

The Board requests that all “Spring” salmon caught before the beginning of May are returned.

The Board requests that all hen salmon caught in October are returned.

The salmon fishing season on the River Ayr starts on 11th February and finishes on 31st October.

The Board however continues to pursue a voluntary agreement with anglers for salmon fishing to start on 15th March and finish on 31st October.

It is illegal to sell rod caught salmon

The Board recommends that barbless hooks are used at all times.

A dead fish cannot spawn. A hen salmon can carry more than 500 eggs per lb wt.   By returning a 7lb salmon 3500 salmon eggs are also being returned to the river.

The Board recommends that all see trout are returned to the river.

Angling Clubs, Riparian Owners and persons who issue permits are responsible to inform anglers of the River Ayr District Salmon Fishery Board’s Code of Conduct.

For the River Ayr to maintain a Category 2 River the above Code of Conduct must be adopted and the correct number of salmon caught must be recorded in catch returns including the numbers of all salmon being returned to the River.

Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
