Smolt Trapping at Catrine

To assess the performance of the modifications at Catrine Dam, SEPA require the operators to monitor smolt passage through the structures to establish if there are any impacts on salmon and trout smolts. It is only right that this work is performed to enable adjustments or alterations to be made to protect fish stocks where necessary.

Beautiful wee smolts waiting on water. This is the future of the river. Let’s hope they make it home safely

Ayrshire Rivers Trust have been asked to undertake this work and recently started operating the trap on a daily basis and will continue for some time.  Initially, there have been issues with the operation of the trap and alterations have been made and will continue to be made until it’s fully operational. ART will be there to highlight issues and suggest solutions for as long as it takes.

Some smolts have been trapped but with low water prevailing and likely to for the next few days, there is a build up of smolts behind the dam and in the lade. ART shot this video to show anglers the smolts in their natural habitat and it’s an encouraging sight. 2.5 minutes of non stop smolts; watch and enjoy.

Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
