River Ayr

Government Reforms

Recently (03/02/2017), Scottish Government announced a U Turn in their reform plans. They may not describe it as a U Turn but that’s how it appears. Read the latest in their press release by following this link http://news.gov.scot/news/wild-fisheries

Their plans to abolish long established District Salmon Fishery Boards appear to have been abandoned. Their unpopular option to fund the changes, future management and proposed FMO’s through rod licensing and levies have gone. So too have the FMO’s or at least that’s how it appears.

Reforms are not necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn’t appear there will be anything worth celebrating as a result of the 3 years of Government meddling. Conservation limits and measures are being hailed as an outcome but this could have been achieved and possibly in a much more accurate way, with less conflict had the Government first discussed their plans with local interests and in particular Board and Trust biologists around the Country who already monitor the state of salmon stocks.

Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
