Volunteers required to assist with bank stabilisation

Ayrshire Rivers Trust would like to stabilise some bank erosion at Nether Wellwood where the River Ayr walk and the banking are continuing to erode.

We intend to do this using natural materials when they are available, including willow and brush wood faggots. To do this, we would appreciate help from anglers or anyone interested in coming along to assist. It shouldn’t take too long but as they say, “many hands make light work”.

We need to cut willow and brash and that’s the time consuming part of the work and could take 4 people a full day at least to gather and transport the materials to the site. Installing it will take somewhere around 4 hours.

Anyone willing to assist, please contact the Trust at info@ayrshireriverstrust.org

Tying bundles of willow into faggots to be used on a bank stabilisation project
Tying bundles of willow into faggots to be used on a bank stabilisation project
The sort of thing we hope to install at Nether Wellwood to stabilise the erosion.
The sort of thing we hope to install and achieve at Nether Wellwood to stabilise the erosion. This was on the Girvan and an initial row of woven Hazel has worked well and bank erosion has ceased with tonnes of sediment building up behind the Hazel. We went back to add more structure and willow to encourage a living bank reinforcement to develop.
Willow spilling being installed on the grin to cut bank erosion.
Willow spilling being installed on the Girvan to cut bank erosion.


Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
