With the steady rainfall and river levels salmon catches are steady.  More fish are being reported than have been in recent years so it would appear the Ayr is having a better return than it has had in recent years although time will tell when the returns come in from clubs and owners.

Bailiffs have been kept busy with reports of unwanted behavior around Catrine, Sorn and Auchinleck waters.  It would appear that our message to anglers is getting through, report it and we will act on it.  Voluntary bailiffs can not be on the water 24 hours a day but with anglers quick actions in reporting suspicious activity we can be very effective. Don’t hesitate if you see something you are not happy with, report it immediately to the bailiff team and dial 101 for police Scotland. I am glad to say that anglers are now as tired of the few that feel they don’t have to abide by the same laws as the rest of us and they are now stepping up and reporting it which is great news for the river and all that use it.  Keep it up, we and many others appreciate it.

Police Scotland have been assisting us with routine patrols around the trouble areas and our wildlife crime police officer has been instrumental in communicating our needs and concerns to all police officers around Ayrshire.

Bailiffs continue to assist anglers, offer advice and correct minor infringements in the law by way of education and direction, however bailiffs and police Scotland wish to make it clear that any serious infringements will not be dealt with lightly and the individual or individuals involved will be dealt with appropriately, this may include arrest and seizure of any equipment and vehicles being used to facilitate poaching (including vehicles that are being used to drop off and collect individuals to partake in poaching activities). The equipment and or vehicles will be held and the courts will decide its fate.

Don’t risk it if you don’t want to lose it!!

We are always on the look out for new bailiffs to join the team.  We have a large area to cover and the more bailiffs we have the easier it is on everyone. Full training and equipment is provided.  All our bailiffs find it a rewarding and interesting activity.  Contact the bailiff coordinator for further details.

Bailiff training will be taking place over the winter months again for any new bailiffs this year as well as refresher training for qualified bailiffs.  The bailiff coordinator is attending a meeting of the Scotland bailiff development group chaired by the Scottish government later this month. It is expected that this meeting will give a little clarity on how bailiff development will take place across Scotland within the Wild Fisheries review that is currently ongoing.  Everyone should be aware by now that there are big changes coming to Scotland regarding wild fisheries and this will effect every angler across the country regardless of what species is being targeted. This is obviously going to mean law changes that bailiffs will then be expected to uphold and that all anglers should be aware of.  The bailiff coordinator takes the education of bailiffs very seriously and will ensure that all bailiffs under his control are up to speed. We will of course continue to post the relevant information on the website but we can’t emphasise enough it is an individual’s responsibility to ensure they remain within the law.

Finally to finish we are interested to see your catch.  If you wish to send us a photo of your catch we can publish it on the site.  We are aware that some clubs on the system are in need of new members, this may assist clubs in attracting new membership as the catches from your beat will be in the public domain.

With your picture please include the following

  • Where it was caught ie club or beat.
  • What it was caught on ie fly, spin, worm.
  • Returned or killed.
  • Size in inches (length and girth) or approx weight.
  • Conditions ie height of the water etc.
  • Any other relevant information you wish to add.

You can email your pictures to

We look forward to seeing your pictures.

Tight lines

Bailiff coordinator.

Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
