River Ayr Season Opens

The river Ayr salmon season opened on February 11th with numerous anglers encountered by bailiffs on the opening day.  We wish all anglers on the system a good season ahead.

Please remember the new legislation that is now in force across Scotland requiring catch and release of all salmon until April 1st.

As always bailiffs will be out and about on the system day and night.  Please report any suspicious behavior, we would rather be called to a false alarm than be told of an event two or three days after it has occurred.  Police Scotland are working with bailiffs this year again after the trial was a success last year.  All police officers in Ayrshire divisions have been briefed on the new legislation that is now in force and will be responding to any known incidents along side bailiffs.

Tight lines to all and please remain safe whilst on the river Ayr.

Bailiff coordinator

Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
