Conservation of Salmon (Annual Close Time and Catch and Release)(Scotland) Regulations 2014

With the Conservation of Salmon (Annual Close Time and Catch and Release)(Scotland) Regulations 2014 coming into force prior to the beginning of the 2015 season i have created a link to an advice leaflet that can be referred to, or can be printed off by clubs to issue to members with permits.

Catch and release leaflet

I have been contacted by many clubs looking for advice in regards to the changes in the legislation and how anglers will be effected. I have listed some of the common questions below.

1. Why are these changes effecting the River Ayr and its tributaries?

These changes are effecting every river in Scotland in one way or another, they have been introduced by the Scottish Government as a conservation measure.

2. If i accidentally kill a spring fish, i feel a fish will die from its injuries i.e bleeding from gills prior to 1st April am i allowed to keep it?

No, the fish must be returned to the water even if dead.  The guidance to the regulation is very clear on this.  Any person found in possession of a salmon prior to 1st April will be investigated and reported to the procurator fiscal.

3. Does this new regulation include sea trout?

No, sea trout are not included in this regulation, however, there is mandatory catch and release of sea trout on the river Ayr and all it’s tributaries.  If however you were fishing another river you should check that particular rivers angling rules, condition and bylaws.

If anyone has questions or concerns please get in touch.

Bailiff Co-ordinator



Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
