New works start at Catrine

Jamieson Plant and Contractors from Maybole have started work at the footbridge at Catrine to underpin the wall on the Daldorch side of the river. This is an East Ayrshire Council job and is deemed essential due to the extent of undermining below the wall.

The ramp into the river at Catrine to allow access.
The ramp into the river at Catrine to allow access.
The undermined wall that will be stabilised over the next few days or so.
The undermined wall that will be stabilised over the next few days or so.

Today the contractors have made a ramp into the river and pulled the rock away from the base of the wall to allow them to shutter the  problem area and then pour it with concrete. Exactly how long this work will take isn’t clear to the Board at this time but we understand ART have been consulted and will attend tomorrow to request a few modifications to the rock arrangement put in place to keep flows from the works area. With salmon now running the river again after the small rise in levels this week, then it is essential that this work doesn’t lead to delays in passing through the renovated Anderson’s Dam and fish pass.

More details will follow once we receive an update from ART.

Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
