River Ayr

Scottish Government’s Review of Wild Fisheries

Following Alex Salmond’s commitment to review Wild Fisheries announced at the opening of the  Tay Salmon fishing season in January this year, the Scottish Government today issued a press release detailing the scope and remit of the review and those that have been appointed to deliver it. Here’s a link to the press release issued today.  http://news.scotland.gov.uk/News/Wild-fisheries-review-9d3.aspx

This independent review will commence in March reporting the findings back to the Environment and Climate Change Minister Paul Wheelhouse, sometime after the 6 month time scale that is expected to to complete the review. Essentially, this review will look forwards focussing on the requirements of a modern, evidence based fishery management system to ensure that it is fit for purpose and the future of sustainable wild fisheries in Scotland.

I’d encourage everyone to read this press release as it will undoubtedly lead to changes in angling and fishery management in the not too distant future.

River Ayr


Ayrshire Rivers Trust News
